Terminal alternatives on Linux

I have used xterm for quite some time now since I want a simple terminal program that starts fast and keeps out of my way for most of the time. However, I miss some features from more advanced terminal programs so from time to time I take a look at alternatives.

I basically have the following requirements:


Since I use XFCE as my desktop environment it was clear to at least try xfce4-terminal.



rxvt-unicode (urxvt)

Pros: Cons: urxvt is my current choice as it is fast and supports search. Some fancy features like tab support is only available via perl extensions and configuration is little bit hard since a graphical configuration is missing. But once configuration is done, it just keeps out of the way and does its job.

Here are my x11 settings for .Xdefaults:

URxvt.foreground: #d3d7cf
URxvt.background: #2e3436
URxvt.saveLines: 1000000
urxvt supports Xft font rendering. You can select a Xft font as follows:
urxvt.font: xft:Misc Fixed:style=SemiCondensed:pixelsize=13


Pros: Cons:


Pro: Cons:

Other terminals

Here's a quick list of other terminals I checked:
tags: terminal1 linux4
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