Worker file manager

Worker translations

Worker is currently available in the following languages:

Creating a new translation

Worker can be easily translated into other languages. Each Worker release comes with template files in the "catalogs" directory.

All you have to do is to rename the two template files

Replace "template" with your actual language name. For example, for German the files would be named "german.catalog", but better use the translated language name "deutsch.catalog".

If you have an UTF8 environment you have to add the suffix ".utf8" to the name of the two files. In the example "deutsch.catalog" becomes "deutsch.catalog.utf8" and so on.

Open these files with your favorite text editor. Lines beginning with # are comments. Each string used in Worker is represented by a number identifying this string and the actual translation. The commented line right before such an entry contains the original english string you have to translate into your language.

Some strings contain special characters like %s or %d which have to appear in the translated string too. They are used for printf in Worker to replace them with other strings. This can be a file name or some numbers but the meaning should be clear in the context of each entry.

You don't have to translate all entries. For every empty entry the original english string is used instead.

You can test your translation by copying these files into the directory ".config/worker/catalogs" (or ".worker/catalogs") in your home directory (create it if it doesn't exist). You can then select your language in the language configuration.

Finally send these files to the mailing list so other can also use it. For further questions don't hesitate to contact me.